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Young consumers must be given greater protection when shopping online

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Secure online shopping directory,, is supporting the latest government "Know Your Rights" campaign on internet security and is calling for standards to be raised even higher to maintain security for all who shop online. believes the campaign on consumer rights should further highlight the issues of internet security and encourage higher levels of validation for online shopping.

A recent Department of Business study says that people aged 35 plus felt they were more likely to be misled if they shopped in the high street than online, but those aged between 16 and 24 felt the internet posed a greater shopping risk than shopping in traditional high street stores.

Simon Crisp, director of says shopping on the internet is now safer than it has ever been before. This is thanks to the now mandatory good practice safeguarding and compliance measures introduced by the PCI Security Standards Council that in part tests a website’s vulnerability to hackers. He also feels that measures should go even further, particularly in safeguarding sales to those under the age of 18.

Currently, measures require retailers to build and maintain a secure IT network, protect the cardholder’s data, maintain a vulnerability management program, as well as regularly monitor and test networks.

"While many reputable online retailers have these safeguards in place, there are many others who do not and these are the ones that need to be pulled into line with tougher regulations and penalties", says Simon Crisp.

Over 10,000 consumers a day access over 4000 retailers on, relying on the safe and secure network of shops that the website provides.

Using a star-rating system, tests each of its retail clients to ensure the websites are safe and secure and can be trusted by the online shopping community.

Simon Crisp, Director of added, "Consumers must be aware of their rights when shopping online. As a directory for retail websites, we applaud the launch of the campaign, although with new measures being brought in to tighten security for retail websites, we believe trust in retailers will increase."

He added, "Shopping online provides a wider variety than on the high streets and a retailer has access to a much broader client base if it lists securely on the internet." is market leader in providing a safe and secure network for retailers to connect with their consumers.


CONTACT: Paul White on 01325 363436

Notes to editors: is a directory of safe and secure websites and a leader in online security. It provides consumers with access to a range of secure outlets to be able to purchase from. Retailers in its 4000-strong portfolio include Marks and Spencer, Debenhams, Nike and Next.

Consumers can search the website by category, item or by retailer and use discounts only available through measures a retail outlets security, by ranking it with a number of stars. In the event a retailer listed on experiences issues with online fraud, can alter the security status of the website on its site or delete the link and association entirely.