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2,618 shops listed | Last updated: Saturday, July 27, 2024

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About our Ratings

Every site listed on ShopSafe is given a star rating. The ratings are meant to be a quick guide to our opinion of each site and a starting point for you the shopper. The ratings we give are:

Excellent 5 stars
Very Good 4 stars
Quite Good 3 stars
Fair 2 stars
OK 1 star

How Do We Decide?

We decide the star ratings by looking at:

  • The range of products sold on the site.
  • The price of the products on the site.
  • The quality of the design, in particular
    • The ease of use
    • The content of the site
    • The ease of navigation
    • The features
    • The download times
    • The quality of any photos
    • The validity of the code
    • The visual appeal. We like white space.

What About Customer Reviews

Ratings are be affected by customer reviews, so if you want to tell others about your shopping experiences please write a review. You'll need to register with us to do so.

What if a site advertises with you?

Online shopping sites can advertise on ShopSafe, but we won't change their star rating. A high rating can't be bought.

Does that mean a one star site is no good?

No, not at all. Any site listed on ShopSafe is one of our trusted shops, we just might not be fans of the way it looks.

What qualifies you to judge a site's design?

ShopSafe is brought to you by Edward Robertson Ltd - a web design agency that has been been creating websites since 1996. We've gotten our hands dirty building web sites for other people, so we know what we're looking for.