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Electric Shop

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Electric Shop sell a wide range of electrical domestic appliances, at good prices. Check out their products on sale on the home page. Delivery within the UK is free.

Customer Reviews

  • Review Profile
    1 stars
    Having read previews online reviews and as as I live close by, I decided to pay a visit to their site address:, 8 Acrewood Way,St. Albans,AL4 0JY. Having entered an electrical shop and doing some browsing I overheard a telephone conversation of a disgruntled customer. I then approached the desk and asked the salesman about the item that I was after. Although it needed ordering, they were quite happy selling their display models. As they could not match the online price (which is quite normal with some retailers) I asked them if they had anything to do with the "" "No was their reply". I left and started looking around. I spoke to several other units in the area and approached the Postman in the next street who told me that I had indeed the correct address and location. So what's going on? Having spent a good 50 mins I could not find "". As this looks very suspicious and not something I would expect from a trustworthy company I have purchased else where.
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