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2 stars

The String Zone

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The String Zone sell violin, cello, viola strings, instruments, bows, and a range of other accessories for orchestral players.

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    2 stars
    I ordered a shoulder rest for my daughter's 1/2 size violin: it was an Everest shoulder rest, which claimed to be usable for 1/2 and 3/4 size violins. Ordering was easy, and delivery prompt. Unfortunately, the product did not fit the violin: it was not adjustable, and was very loose. I e mailed them asking for advice, only to receive a curt one-liner saying: see invoice, send it back!!! I phoned them for advice, and sent it back. I then was offered a refund, but told that the return postage would not be paid, as the product fitted their violin, and was not defective. At no stage was an attempt made to talk me through fitting it on my daughter's violin. Her teacher had also tried and was unsuccessful. When I suggested that I would review the product, my account with the store was disabled. I have contacted them asking to enable the account, but they have not responded. From my experience: Beware!!
    Published on Thursday, November 3, 2016
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