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Secret Sales

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Description is a free private online club which organises exclusive clothing and fashion sales for its members.

Customer Reviews

  • Review Profile
    1 stars
    I've placed two orders for the same blazer, they tell you it will arrive, you wait almost 2 months and then they just tell you that you won't receive it. All they do is give you a £5 voucher and you still have to pay for delivery which is very expensive. Worst experience with them ! Don't recommend !
    Published on Friday, October 16, 2015
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    0 stars
    Placed an order for a £1599 Cartier ring, whilst looking online I found a link to the same ring on secret sales that had been sold for £999, both in same condition as per photos, after finding I had paid £600 more I emailed customer services, 8 days later I get a reply saying - Thank you for your email. Please note I have been investigating this for you and although it seems like the same item it is a different item and product code. 8 days to investigate this? So I call to speak with a manager and am told this is not possible as heir policy is a 24 hour call back. I was then asked the problem, item number etc which I gave explaining I know it isn't the same ring as in bought, returned them sold to me but it was the same ring as there is only one design of this particular ring in platinum made by cartier so its like 2 people going into the shop together buying the same ring but one being charged 60% more than the other, I went on to explain I understand it is a different product code because the first was sold another has come into stock so a new item code has had to be given! I was told to hold at which point I heard the customer service agent say to his colleage "SHES JUST CHATTING A LOAD OF SH*T NOW!" Horrified is an understatement! when he came back to me I asked the the conversation was recorded and he replied it was I asked for a copy and to make sure he had emailed the manager to call me back, he said he had so I then told him I had heard him........silence, I asked if he had anything to say..........silence! I said no apology to which he replied....yes I am sorry for that madam! I have since received no call from a manager and no reply to the 3 emails over 3 days I have sent to the CEO. I called again today to be told no notes were there to request a call (funny that) and that again I had to wait 24 hours for a call back. Ripped off, insulted and ignored not they way to treat people really is it?
    Published on Thursday, August 27, 2015
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    3 stars
    I have used Secret Sales a couple of times over the last few months and it's perfect for serious bargain hunters. Keep a good eye on the newsletters and upcoming sales for that coveted item. I got a leather handbag for £80 instead of the RRP £200...very happy and use it sooo much. They often have good designer jeans sales, and home ware etc too. It isn't as suitable for things you need in a rush though, as you have to wait a few weeks for delivery, you are given an estimated delivery date though and mine were always here then. If you buy clearance it is sent straight away though! Definitely worth signing up to though, and keep your eyes open for the bargains!
  • Review Profile
    1 stars
    I have ordered on two different occasions and have recieved the wrong item twice , the fact that it takes a month before anything is even shipped was also a huge letdown, if i am online shopping for clothing i would want it within a week not over a month, granted a few brands are there but the items for sale seem to be vastly outdated stock , sometimes many seasons old. not a very exciting concept, i would rather spend slightly more money and purchase in season stock and walk out of the shop with what i bought the day i wanted it. Two thumbs down.
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