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2,634 shops listed | Last updated: Saturday, June 8, 2024

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This site sells a wide selection of hand and machine-made rugs in sizes up to 14' x 10'. They also sell stair rods and anti-slip rug underlay.

Customer Reviews

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    3 stars
    Rugsdirect are very unclear about their returns policy and are let down by their even poorer customer services. They do not provide their returns policy within the package when it is sent to you. Instead you are expected to trawl through your emails to find it. When calling them/emailing them, they do not respond for 2 days and are then very curt and dismissive. I would never purchase anything from them again, they do not even have a good will policy to accept a return 2 days outside of their very short 7 day notice period. I had to send 4 emails to their customer representative to receive their returns policy. The rug was of a poor quality and was a completely different colour to that on their website. I viewed it on several monitors before purchasing and even with 20 20 vision was still unable to foresee that the grey rug I ordered would arrive brown. Don't waste your time with this company as they have no desire to satisfy their customers as suggested on their website. Order 60334
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