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Cricket Supplies

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A Superb online cricket equipment store, secure shopping at low prices, we supply all the major cricket brands available today, choose from slazenger cricket bats to oakley eyewear.

Customer Reviews

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    3 stars
    I had a Gunn & Moore cricket bat break. The type of break made me believe it was a break that was not use / impact related solely. I complained to Paul at and got the following response offering me 50 % reduction off a new bat rather than a free replacement; "we have shared the photos and discussed with G&M. As mentioned over the phone the bat is outside of its 12 month warranty but as a goodwill gesture we are happy to offer you a half price replacement, or half the value of the original £276 you paid, off another G&M model if preferred. How would you like us to proceed please ?" Unhappy with's response and I spoke to Gunn & Moore directly, and they sent me a new bat which arrived yesterday. That leads to a question about the retailer / distributor's level of honesty and whether they actually did speak to the manufacturer Gunn & Moore.
    Published on Thursday, June 23, 2016
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